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Måndag 15 januari 13:53

International Conference on Immigration and Labour Market Integration


In recent years there has been a large inflow of refugees and other immigrants to Europe. Several questions have become increasingly pressing for European countries: How can we maintain socially sustainable societies and welfare states in an era of refugee crisis? What are the best practices to integrate immigrants in the labour market? How can ethnic discrimination in the labor market be confronted in a climate of faltering willingness to receive immigrants?

Research is required to answer such questions and should play an important role in policy-making, both national and transnational. A key aim of this international conference is for researchers, policy-makers and practitioners in the field to come together in the search for good solutions.

More information about the conference can be found on the following website: we.gu.se/english/immigration-conference

Datum & tid: 2017-11-13 kl 11:00 till 2017-11-15 kl 13:00

Kategorier: Samhällsvetenskap

Arrangör: WE: Work and Employment Research Centre

Plats: Handelshögskolan, Vasagatan 1

Kontaktperson: Tomas Berglund

Sidansvarig: GMV|Sidan uppdaterades: 2020-06-16

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