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Måndag 15 januari 13:53

Rethinking Higher Education Inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals


During a one-day conference, students, teachers, researchers and other higher education professionals are invited to explore how we can take responsibility for, and be inspired by, the Sustainable Development Goals in our educational programs, research, and collaboration with society.

The conference is organized by Karolinska Institutet in collaboration with the University of Gothenburg, Chalmers University of Technology, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Datum: 2019-03-30

Kategorier: Hållbar utveckling

Plats: Karolinska Institutet, Aula Medica, Nobels väg 6, Solna

Evenemangslänk: Läs mer om Rethinking Higher Education Inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals

Kontaktperson: Academic Conferences

Sidansvarig: GMV|Sidan uppdaterades: 2020-06-16

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