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Måndag 15 januari 13:53

Measuring sustainability in production systems: Examples from health care and manufacturing


Welcome to Researchers Fika, a new activity for the Research Network for Sustainable Development at Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg.
At each fika you will get to listen to speed talks on a sustainability-oriented topic from researchers representing different disciplines followed by an opportunity to network and digitally share your favorite fika with the other participants in the meeting.


Measuring sustainability in health-care: An analysis of two systems providing insoles to patients with diabetes
By using a new methodology the sustainability effects, ecological, economic and social can be calculated. In the talk, two interventions/systems to prevent diabetic foot ulcers were compared regarding their ecological, economic and social foot prints. Using this method in health-care, the contribution of health-care systems to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals approved by the UN can be quantified.
Ulla Hellstrand Tang, clinical researcher at the Department of Orthopaedics, University of Gothenburg

Environmental impact assessment in manufacturing and the limitations of current "sustainability KPIs".
While manufacturing activities create economic and social value, they do so at a high "environmental cost". In efforts to tackle negative environmental impacts, companies are increasingly adopting eco-efficient and circular solutions. But the current Key Performance Indicators (KPI) used in manufacturing do not provide a full understanding of operations' environmental impact and are rarely used as a basis for decision-making as part of continuous improvement activities. This talk will present examples from past projects and directions for future research to address this issue.
Mélanie Despeisse, assistant professor at the Department of Industrial and Materials Science, Chalmers University of Technology

More information and registration

Datum: 2021-03-12

Tid: 14:00 - 15:30

Kategorier: Hållbar utveckling

Arrangör: Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development (GMV)

Kontaktperson: Caroline Petersson

Sidansvarig: GMV|Sidan uppdaterades: 2020-06-16

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Utskriftsdatum: 2024-04-19