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Monday 15 January 13:53

Webinar: Research collaboration in East Africa rewards, pitfalls and lessons learned.


Trust and mutual respect are generic ingredients for succesful collaboration. In this webinar Helene Ahlborg, Chalmers, and Göran Wallin and Johan Uddling, University of Gothenburg, will share their personal experiences from longstanding collaborations with East African universities in the fields of energy access, botany and climate change. What have they learned? What do they wish they had known when they started their collaborations?

This webinar involves two presentations and a moderated discussion where participants can post their questions. The formal meeting will end at 14.00 but continue for 15 more minutes to allow networking and general questions and answers.

Helene Ahlborg's research is about rural electrification in East Africa and societal transformation looking at power, politics, governance and energy systems. Her empirical work is focused on Tanzania and Rwanda. Helene Ahlborg is an assistant professor in Environmental Systems Analysis, at the department Technology Management and Economics at Chalmers.

Göran Wallin and Johan Uddling are active in a long standing collaboration with the University of Rwanda that seeks to understand the interaction between plants and the atmosphere in the context of climate change.

This webinar is the first of a series of webinars/seminars organised by Global Sustainable Futures (GSF).
Global Sustainable Futures is a collaboration platform initiated by Vice Chancellor of GU, Eva Wiberg, and the President and CEO of Chalmers, Stefan Bengtsson. GSF aims at developing new science-based knowledge, education and collaborations that contribute towards achieving Agenda 2030, as well as to the needs of society beyond 2030. GSF has a particular focus on collaboration with partners in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

This seminar was initially planned as a springboard to an upcoming workshop in May in Kigali, co-hosted by Chalmers and the University of Rwanda. A number of senior staff and researchers from Chalmers and GU were to meet with their equivalents from eight East African universities with the aim to deepen collaboration.
The Kigali workshop has beed postponed until end of 2020 or early 2021.

Location: Zoom-webinar. Register to the webinar and we will send you a link to Zoom when you have registered. (an easy digital webinar-tool).

Register here

For more information on this webinar visit our webpage. Global Sustainable Futures or contact Olof Drakenberg olof.drakenberg@gu.se

We look forward to meeting you.

Kind regards,
Olof Drakenberg
Project leader GSF
GMV, Centre for Sustainable Development
Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg.

Lecturer: Helene Ahlborg is an assistant professor in Environmental Systems Analysis, at the department Technology Management and Economics at Chalmers. Göran Wallin and Johan Uddling, University of Gothenburg Göran Wallin and Johan Uddling are active in a long standing collaboration with the University of Rwanda.
Göran Wallin is a senior lecturer at the department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, at GU, and has coordinated the collaboration since 2003. Johan Uddling is professor at the same department and has been engaged more than a decade in the programme, that also involves training of PhD-students and more.

Date: 4/16/2020

Time: 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Categories: Education

Organizer: Global Sustainable Futures GSF

Location: Webinarium: Zoom-room Webinarium: Zoom-room

Event URL: Read more about Webinar: Research collaboration in East Africa rewards, pitfalls and lessons learned.

Fee: Ingen kostnad

Contact person: Olof Drakenberg

Phone: 0766186038

Page Manager: Webbredaktionen|Last update: 6/16/2020

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