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Måndag 15 januari 13:53

Urban Lunch-time: Urban leadership and co-creation for climate transformation in Gothenburg - insights from the Greengov research project


A complex issue such as climate change requires new forms of governance and leadership that move beyond self-governance and regulation and enhance collaboration across state and non-state actors, levels, and scales.

This seminar will draw on the findings of the Greengov research project, which studies co-creational leadership for urban climate governance in four cities: Cape Town, Copenhagen, Gothenburg and Oslo.

In this seminar, Sandra will introduce ideal types of co-creational climate urban leadership. The typology draws from the experience of the case study cities. Focus will be given to Gothenburg and how the city leadership has operated and navigated to engage relevant actors within the city administration and externally to define, manage and achieve its climate ambitions.

Sandra Valencia is a researcher and project leader at the Centre for Sustainable Urban Futures, which is part of Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development (GMV). She has an interdisciplinary background in the natural and social sciences and a PhD in Sustainability Science from Lund University. Her experience inside and outside academia includes urban sustainable development, climate adaptation, climate governance, the Sustainable Development Goals, and environmental peacebuilding.

The presentation will be given in English.

Register no later than 15 September.

Read more about GreenGov.

Datum: 2021-09-16

Tid: 11:30 - 12:20

Kategorier: Hållbar utveckling

Arrangör: Urban Futures

Plats: Digital meeting in Zoom

Kontaktperson: Ulrica Gustafsson

Sidansvarig: GMV|Sidan uppdaterades: 2020-08-27

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